Direct Mail

Parking Violation Notice and Enforcement Letter

By 6 May 2024May 26th, 2024No Comments

How to Draft an Effective Parking Violation Notice, Ticket, or Warning?

You may need to enforce some rules to make parking lots available and safe for visitors. It is when a parking violation notice comes in handy. You can send one to visitors, informing them what they can and cannot do without hassles.

This notice has the company’s name and contact details on the top. It also carries all parking violations with the respective penalties and fines.

Many service providers offer you drafts and templates to create a custom and printable parking violation notice to send to violators. You can customize them with your preferred content, company logo, and other elements. The best part is you can order them in any size suiting your business requirements. This blog discusses this subject in-depth with the meaning of letter templates and how to create them for your daily operations.

What Is a Vehicle Parking Violation Template?

A parking violation notice template is a draft, helping organizations curate official and polished letters. It allows them to have a format ready whenever someone violates a law and needs an enforcement notice. 

Also, these companies often require sending confirmation, cover, consent, recommendation, and other letters for different purposes. A printing and mailing automation provider, like PostGrid, lets them get these templates for free. It helps them save money on design expenses and time. They can customize their parking violation template and make last-minute edits as often as needed.

The good news is that you can design, print, and mail your letters online after finalizing the graphics and templates. So, your messages convert into mailable envelopes from PDFs and are out the door in only two working days. 

Our template editor lets you modify any parking warning notice template to align with your needs perfectly. Users can change the fonts, colors, and other aspects. They can add personalized messages for every recipient and logos for a personal touch. 

Personalization helps users send unique messages to every violator instead of sending a generic one to all. Violators would take these letters more seriously because they accurately describe the violation’s place and time. 

Automation allows you to use these features, helping you never write a letter manually again.

Primary Elements of a Parking Violation Notice or Parking Ticket

Most letter templates for parking violation notices are pre-made layouts to let you draft letters, irrespective of your company’s requirements. You only need to fill in the customizable fields, like the date, recipient’s mailing address, body text, greeting, and signature. Thus, you can minimize the time and effort it takes to send these messages while getting professional outcomes.

Here are the primary elements to include in the parking enforcement letter:


It describes your letter’s purpose or heading. You can use it to summarize why the recipient is getting this message. It must be short and to the point to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.


Please mention the date when you send the letter. Many companies also write the day and time when the violator broke a parking law to remind them of the incident. You can mention any date. However, be upfront about the laws you want to enforce.

Sender’s Name

You must mention the sender’s full name in the cover letter for the parking enforcement officer to ensure it has validity and authenticity. It also helps the receiver contact the correct person if they have queries or questions.

Email Address and Phone Number

Apart from the name, senders should mention their email address and phone number. It ensures the recipient can revert to the message and know what they must do next.

Sender’s and Recipient’s Mailing Address

You likely want to send the parking enforcement cover letter by mail. Thus, mentioning the recipient’s updated and accurate delivery address is essential for speedy deliveries.

Please cross-verify the address before sending it because many people move each year. You only want the intended recipient to see the printable parking violation notice with their details.

Also, mention your addresses to help recipients write back. It ensures them that the letter came from credible parking violation notice services.


The letter’s greeting is a formal salutation for the recipient. You might use the titles Mr., Ms., or Mrs. to convey respect for the reader and catch their attention.

Please make the greeting short and sweet to not distract readers and motivate them to read the entire letter.

Body Text

It is the letter’s bulk text, wherein you can mention the message’s purpose and what you expect from the reader. You can explain the violations in-depth and state the relevant laws to justify your case.

Also, mention the penalties and how the violator can pay them. Provide multiple options to get the payments faster and without hassles. Try stating a deadline to track their actions toward the violation.

Signature and Closing Sentence

Close the parking violation notice with a statement saying recipients can contact you whenever needed. Add your signature toward the end with the name, company, and designation.

Signing the letter is necessary to encourage violators to pay the fine or take another action. Otherwise, they might ignore the notice.

Parking Violation Notice or Warning Sample

Here is a parking violation notice sample for your reference: 


Property Location: ____________________                                         Date:__________

Landlord/ Agent/ Owner Name: ___________________

Unit/ Residents #: ______________________________

Vehicle Details:

Model/ Make: _________________

Color: _______________________

License Number: ______________

State: _______________________


This letter is to inform you that you have violated one or more of these laws:

  • The vehicle is only allowed in designated areas. Parking them beyond this margin is a violation.
  • Parked vehicles must not block cleaners’ access to the garbage area, in which case, we can tow them. 
  • Any car or other vehicle the driver has parked in an off-street parking space should be fully functional or operational. It should be running and capable of someone legally operating it on the street. The owner must have completely insured and licensed the car to avoid state law violations. 
  • You must not park vehicles in areas with the “Restricted Zones” or “No Parking” signs. It automatically makes the car or other vehicle fit for towing.
  • Parked vehicles must not block building or driveway entrances to follow the fire department laws. Drivers must look for these signs and consult the authorized personnel for exceptions or in case of emergencies.
  • We prohibit trailers, boats, guest vehicles, recreational trucks, and second cars until the landlord authorizes it in writing and completes other formalities. 
  • Residents will be responsible for and must not permit any damage to the premises, surroundings, communities, or common areas. Any damage from coolant, dripping oil, gasoline, or other materials from motor vehicles can land the residents, their guests, invitees, or other parties in a parking violation. We shall levy the fines based on the ground and extent of damage.
  • Residents must not perform any repairs to their cars or other vehicles upon, within, near, or closely outside the premises. 
  • Parked vehicles should not be in handicapped spaces.
  •  All drivers must have a valid parking permit. We will not entertain missing or expired permits.
  • Reserved parking spaces are only for people who pay for them. Others must only park in their designated lots at all times.
  • Drivers must carefully park their vehicles to not disrupt the premise alignment and allow easy access for other vehicles and passersby.
  • Drivers must maintain their vehicles well because we do not allow or skip cars in non-acceptable conditions.
  • Other violations: ___________________________________________________

Delay or failure in correcting the above violation/s can result in us towing your vehicle at your own expense according to local and state parking and enforcement regulations. 

Please take the necessary action by or before March 5, 2024. 

Landlord (print): _______________

Date: _______________________

Signature: ___________________

Please note that the above parking violation notice is a sample. You can use it as a reference to curate and customize one that best fits your requirements. 

How Many Times Should You Send the Tow or Parking Warning Notice?

Here is how you can ensure violators pay attention to your parking enforcement letter and take the necessary steps:

Stage 1: You Issue a Notice

In the event of a violation during a manual enforcement operation, you can generate a notification to affix it to the vehicle’s windshield. You can also send the letter to the violator’s delivery address to help them immediately see and respond to the message. After issuing this initial physical notice, individuals usually have 15-30 days to settle the violation before initiating further actions.

Conversely, in automated enforcement operations, the initial notice is promptly dispatched through a text message when the violation registers in the system.

Stage 2: Reminder

In the case of text notifications to parkers, a follow-up text reminder typically goes out 24 hours later if the initial violation remains unpaid. Following this second parking violation notice, parkers identified as violations in an automated enforcement system will transition to attempts to reconcile payment through mail-based communication.

You can use PostGrid’s direct mail API to set up triggered mailings, automatically mailing violators a second or third time if they don’t pay the penalty.

Stage 3: Escalation

Following the initial 15 to 30-day notice period, you can frequently increase the fees and dispatch an additional parking warning notice template. If the initial notice was a physical violation and you placed it on the vehicle’s windshield, this phase often entails a text message notification.

However, it is better to contact violators via mail to inform them about the violation instantly and prevent unnecessary delays that can cause further trouble to all parties.

Stage 4: Final Call

You can send the final parking violation notices to violators who do not respond after your first few attempts to get in touch. Please inform them that no responses can land their parking tickets in a collections office if they don’t pay the penalty promptly.

Stage 5: Collections

You can send the unpaid violations to collections after contacting violators multiple times with no responses. The collections office can contact them more times and place the violations on their credit reports. It can also sue these people if they don’t account for more law violations.

How Can PostGrid Help You Send Public or Private Parking Violation Notices?

PostGrid’s direct mail API lets you use a pre-built parking violation template to send letters. You can pick and customize any template in PDF or HTML formats to fit your needs.

We help you design, print, and send professional-looking parking violation notices, motivating violators to take prompt action.

The best part is we offer flexible print and mail services to let you send one or thousands of letters under one campaign! You only pay for the notices you send.

You can integrate our API into your CRM or download our automation software for mailing. PostGrid provides many advanced features through these deployment methods, like address verification, variable data printing, real-time tracking, campaign analytics, etc.

Contact us now for more details on sending a printable parking violation notice to violators.

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